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Q: Is only having one kidney a genetic trait?
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A genetic trait expressed in a person who has only one copy of the gene associated with the trait?


How can a parent learn the risks of having a child with a genetic disorder?

A parent can learn the risks of having a child with a genetic disorder by looking at their own history. A genetic disorder is... da da da da! Genetic! so the traits of this disorder would be passed down through the generations. If both parents have family members with the trait or if the disorder is a dominant trait then there is a high chance of the disorder being passed down to the child. If the trait is recessive and only one parent has the genetic disorder in their family history then there are some pretty low chances of it being passed along to the child. Even if the trait is recessive, if both parents have the diorder in their history then there is about a 50% chance of the child having the disorder.

Is red hair a race?

No, it's only a genetic human trait that is prevalent in some but not others.

Dominant and recessive traits?

A dominant trait is a genetic trait which may cause a hereditary condition, a recessive trait disappears or goes in the background and only shows in a few generations.

What is The only trait shared by all invertebrates?

having no backbone

How might a scientist determine whether a trait is a sex-linked by observing the offspring of several genetic crosses?


Why do some people have only 1 kidney?

Some people may have only one kidney for several reasons, such as having a diseased or injured kidney removed, or donating a kidney to someone in a kidney transplant, or probably less likely might be that they were just born with only one.

What does being heterozygous for a trait mean?

the 2 alleles of the gene for the trait are different on the 2 homologous chromosomesBeing heterozygous for a trait means that they have different alleles for a trait. For instance: Tt would be heterozygous and TT or tt would be homozygous because they are both eitehr little or big t' mean the gene is not pure or for example suppose a person is blood group A but actually he is having A and O; because O is recessive trait the gene express the A trait instead, making the person having blood group A.

Can scoliosis skip a generation?

Certain types of scoliosis have genetic factors, some have no genetic input, and some are only from genetics. For example, adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, which makes up about 80 percent of all cases of scoliosis, is generally from a combination of both environmental factors (i.e. posture) and genetic predisposition.

Does the kidney loses half its essence if one of them is removed?

The remaining kidney actually picks up a lot of the workload of the removed kidney. That doesn't mean all of it, but it does compensate for it, which is why having only one kidney can take years off of your life, as the remaining kidney is having to work so much harder.

Can a person be a carrier for a dominant genetic disorder?

Anyone can be a carrier of a recessive genetic disorder (as long as it is not associated with the sex chromosomes) no matter what their gender since "carrier" refers to an individual that is heterozygous for the recessive allele and therefore phenotypically normal. Specifically, sexlinked genetic disorders can be "carried" by a heterozygous female but males (having only one X chromosome) cannot. Males will either be free of the defective gene or be affected.

Is apert syndrome dominant or recessive?

Recessive, but dominant in some rare cases.