There are certain blood types that are more rare. Any of the blood types would perform the same function in the body. The rare blood types are needed for transfusions.
I am type O- which is great because if any of my family needs blood I am always ready t donate. Yet the other way around if I need blood then I would have to find an individual with the same type with is about 12% of the population.
No, it is not better it is just another type fuel.
Yes. In fact, the odds are better than any other type.
I don't think any blood type could fight off AIDS.
Whether one type candy is better than another depends on the consumer's preference.
Yes certain food benifit one blood type more than another. However it is helathy for everyone to eat plenty of fruits and vegtables, it's just that certain vegatables and meats produce higher benifit to certain blood types.
Not necessarily. It's just another type of blood, and there is no such thing as a bad blood type.
I think it is the amount of a certain type of proteins Google proteins and blood type to get a better answer
No blood type is inherently "stronger" than another. Each blood type has its own unique characteristics and may provide certain advantages or disadvantages in terms of health and compatibility for blood transfusions. It ultimately depends on the individual's specific situation and needs.
Type B blood is rarer than type A and O, but more common than type AB. Individuals with type B blood have antigens in their blood that will attack other blood types if introduced to the body, leading to a hemolytic reaction.
Experts say that blood type diets do not work any better than any other regular diets. They can actually deprive you of some nutrients you need, but with suppliments, they can be equally effective.