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Q: Is normal to urinate 8-10times in day?
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Is it normal to have urge to urinate while catheterised?

yes it normal. You will have a bag where you can urinate. When it will be full you can empty to the toilet

How often should a normal healthy person urinate --- pee--- in a day?

You should take in atleast 2000-2500 ml of water a day to maintain healthy fluid balance in the body. You normally urinate about 1500 ml of that.

I urinate while pooing together is this normal?

yes that is normal

Is it normal to urinate after a bath?

Nothing wrong with that.

What if you urinate every 2 hr?

If you urinate every 2 hours, you urinate 12 times in a day. 24 hrs in a day / 2 hrs = 12 urinations in a day. You may have a bladder infection. lol

How often should children urinate?

Usually about once a day or once every other day. It is very natural for any human (male or female) to urinate at least once per day. It is also normal for a human to only urinate within a few days. That usually only indicates that the person does not have enough fluids in them, which is not a totally bad thing.

How often does a person urinate in a day?

The normal urine output for an average adult is 800 to 2000 ml/day; this is assuming intake of around 2 liters.

Is it normal to have a bowel movement every time you urinate?

If you need too!

Is it normal to urinate every 30 minutes?

It is not normal to urinate every 30 minutes. This could be a sign of a medical condition such as a urinary tract infection or overactive bladder. It is recommended to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment.

Is it normal for a one month old to urinate frequently?

Yes, it is normal as long as there is no fever and breast feed is being taken properly.

What happens when you drink a lot on a cold day?

You urinate alot.

Do dogs urinate?

Yes. They wee several times a day.