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no neurontin is gabapentin and has no recreational value

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Q: Is neurontin a form of heroin?
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Is neurontin an opioid?

Neurontin is not an opioid

Is heroin in a hard form?


Can you take Neurontin together with Neurobian?

It is not recommended that you take Neurontin with Neurobian.

Is heroin cocaine?

No, Heroin is derived from opium coming form the poppy. Cocaine comes from the coca leaf.

How are teens at risk from heroin?

They have the same risks from heroin as adults. Heroin is addictive, and it is often injected in a very impure form. That is why so many call heroin "junk" in slang, and why so many diseases are spread from injecting heroin. Plus heroin itself is quite hard on the body.

How do you turn heroin from a salt into a base with ammonia?

To turn heroin from a salt into a base using ammonia, you would first dissolve the heroin salt in water to create a solution. Then, you would add ammonia to the solution, resulting in the formation of heroin base as a solid precipitate. This process is often used in the illicit drug manufacturing process to convert heroin hydrochloride (the salt form) into a more potent and smokable form (the base form).

Does neurontin show up a barbiturates?

Neurontin is not a barbiturate, so therefore it will not test positive as a barbiturate. Neurontin will not show up at all unless specifically tested for.

Is heroin a sedative?

Yes, opiates are a form of sedative.

Is neurontin a opiate?

neurontin is not an opioid it is an anticonvulsant (prevents seizures, controls nerve impulses)

Is clonazepam synthetic heroin?

Clonezepam is in a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines, and heroin is a semi-synthetic opioid. So no, clonazepam is not synthetic heroin. Oxycontins is a form of synthetic heroin. In a way Methadone is as well, though the main use for methadone is to taper off heroin.

Does neurontin cause seizures if not taken with ancetamopen?

Neurontin (gabapentin) is not typically associated with causing seizures, even if not taken with acetaminophen. In fact, Neurontin is commonly used to treat seizures as well as nerve pain. It is important to always take Neurontin as prescribed by your healthcare provider.

Why does neurontin make you feel weird?

Neurontin makes you feel weird because of the opiate withdrawal syndrome.