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Q: Is mouthwash chloherxidine route of administration topical?
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Related questions

Which of the is not a gi tract route of drug administration?

Topical administration is not a gastrointestinal tract route of drug administration. It involves applying medication directly to the skin or mucous membranes for localized effects.

What is the route of drug administration from slowest to fastest?

Slowest or LEAST EFFECTIVE route to MOST EFFECTIVE route: Topical (Slowest or least effective) Ingestion Intramuscular (IM) Intraperitoneal Inhalation (Inhaler or ET tube) Intravenous (IV) Some studies show administration of drugs via ET tube is as effective as IV.

Is oral route of administration safer?

Yes the oral route for drug administration is the safest route.

What are the classification schemes for antibiotics based on?

bacterial spectrum (broad versus narrow), route of administration (injectable versus oral versus topical), or type of activity (bactericidal versus bacteriostatic)

What is topical medical route?

applied to the surface of the skin.

What is topical route?

Applying it to the surface of the body, typically the skin.

If topical and trans-dermal route are same?

that is not a question dumbo

What is the Drug route from slowest to fastest in absorption?

po, sc, im, iv

What kind of administration is introducing drugs into the gastrointestinal tract?

The oral route of administration.

What is a route In medical terms?

Usually used in connection with how a medication is given into the body, as the oral route, the intramuscular or intravenous route of administration.

What are the 5 categories Route of administration can be divided into?

My answer: the different routes of administration of a drug/medicines are: a. topical b. enteral b.1. by mouth b.2 by gastric feeding b.3. rectal c. parenteral c.1. intravenous c.2. intramuscular c.3. intracardiac c.4. subcutaneous c.5. intradermal c.6. intrathecal c.7. intravesical c.8. intraperitoneal c.9. intracerebral d. other parenteral d.1. transmucosal d.2. transdermal d.3. inhalational e. other routes e.1. intravitreal e.2. epidural

What route of administration has the quickest onset of action?
