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Yes, misunderstandings in a family (lack of communication skills) can cause a broken family, but here are some other reasons: * A member of the family may be into drugs or alcohol abuse and the family is divided as to how to handle it. * A wayward teen that is causing problems in the family can also divide that family. * Sexual abuse * Physical or mental abuse (hitting a person or playing head games.) * The couple falls out of love. It can happen. * One parent, the other or both could have cheated. * Desertion from one or both parents leaving the children on their own. * Separation or divorce of the parents. * Death of a parent or both parents. * Fighting over Wills. * Fighting over property, money. * Most families have one or two relatives they don't get along with and it can cause a problem between the two parents or even possibly the siblings in the family. * The mother does most of the work and gets little support from her husband or children (when they are old enough to do chores.) Days to years of this are enough to drive many women into a rubber room. * Women who do not act as a wife or take care of the children and home. * Being unappreciated. * The lack of trust. * The lack of love. * The lack of encouraging each other to be the best they can be. * The lack of quality time within the family core.

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Q: Is misunderstanding a cause of having a broken family?
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Misunderstanding of equality can cause limit to understanding someone else in general and it can cause closed-mindedness.Nikki -16 Leave msg's. Tell me if I helped at all.

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well, the main cause is a loss of love, when parents lose their love for each other. this is quite a common thing in our days, and there is nothing we can do to stop broken family's, but in most cases.. the broken family's are gradually built back up with trust & love, hope this helped!

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I have a broken family sorta but its not bad but life kinda depressing boring stressful and school doesnt help because ppl are asses like that but if you have a broken family it may cause you to have suicidal thoughts and (if you believe in god) to say he's not real even though you know he is real but in my case everyday is horrible feeling in my heart i feel as if i couldn't walk if my heart was my energy and if someone says whats wrong you don't want them to help you cause when your in this state you are kinda of full of pride and stuff but if you think about only 15% if familys are broken even if their divorced parents cause a broken family is a family that cant run without the need of others but the other left or something like that and if it is like that all i can say is that you feel as if you are in hell.

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I know one, there is a great disproportion on the percentage of entrepreneur raise in a broken family, the number might be telling something. There is always a positive side, it just depends if you can find it.