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Yes, mineral water means the water is treated with accurate amount of permissible minerals are present in the packaged drinking water.

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Q: Is mineral water healthier than tap water?
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Now a days why do people prefer to drink mineral water instead of tap water?

People prefer to drink mineral water rather than tap water as mineral water has had all the bad microbes taken out by a filter. Tap water however, has had the bad microbes taken out with small amounts of chlorine The chlorine is not good for you to drink. Now though, at home you can by a tap filter to get mineral water out of your tap.

Is tap water good?

no not if you have to much iron ,but it might be good for you it has calcium

Why does the mosquito's eggs die in mineral and tap water?

Mineral and tap water do not have the tiny insects that mosquitos feed on.So, the mosquitos' larve would die from starvation.

Which Chemicals found in your tap water?

Usually tap water contains iron, zinc and fluroide, The government adds these chemicals to the water to increase iron and zinc rates within the bodies and because fluroide is good for the teeth, this makes the water healthier than bottled water.

Which water is best for plants tap water mineral water or seltzer water?

Mineral water because it has lots of nutrients and enerrgy for the plant to grow quicker.

Which the highest conductivity between tap water and deionized water and why?

Deionized water has higher conductivity than tap water because it has had nearly all of its mineral ions removed through the deionization process. Tap water contains minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which contribute to its conductivity.

Is tap water or bottle water better for plants?

tap water is not that good because of chlorine. So low mineral water in bottles is better for them the chlorine might not be that good for plants, but plants do need the minerals in tap water.

Why does tap water freeze faster than tap water?

No, it isn't faster, tap water freezes just at the same temperature as tap water

Is salt water less dense than tap water?

salt water is more dense than tap water

How is distilled water and mineral water different from tap water?

I can't help with mineral water. But, Distilled water can be classified as high purity water in a since. There is no contaminates or microbiology in the water. Tap Water will, in most cases, have some minerals still in it like iron, manganese, but at really low levels. Of course city tap water will have a small chlorine residual to make sure no microbiology will enter the system as it is delivered. So tap water can have some minerals but no pathogens.

Does letting tap water sit out evaporate minerals?

Letting tap water sit out may reduce the chlorine content as it evaporates, but it will not significantly affect the mineral content. Minerals in water do not evaporate like volatile compounds such as chlorine.

How does salt water freeze faster than tap water?

It doesn't. Tap water freezes faster than salt water.