

Is milk good or bad for you?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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15y ago

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Milk is good for you. If someone says it can be bad for you, they are wrong. Milk is very healthy no matter how much you drink it.

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Q: Is milk good or bad for you?
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yes, because milk is not good for them

How do you identify a Good milk?

to identify a good milk, need to smell it. if it smells wired than its bad. another way is to tast it. if it tasts sawer that's its bad

What are the 3 parts of milk?

i only know 2,milk and cream but dont know the third..?

Why does dried milk stay good and liquid milk go bad?

Fresh milk or liquid milk goes bad because: One- It has bacteria in it. Two- If it gets above about forty degrees the bacteria starts to ferment the milk. Three- Dried milk or powdered milk cannot support bacteria, because the lack of water denies a good reproduction place for bacteria, and thusly, the powdered milk does not go bad.

Is it okay to eat bad milk?

Yes, it is okay. But not good.

Is feeding your pit bull milk bad?

No it is actually good for them.

Is warm milk good or bad for cats?

Warm milk is not recommended for adult cats as many are lactose intolerant and can develop digestive issues like diarrhea. Kittens can drink their mother's milk, but once weaned, they no longer need milk as part of their diet. It's best to provide fresh water for your cat to drink.

Can milk go bad in the fridge 4 hours after opening?

No. Not if the milk was good when it was opened and was kept well-chilled.

Why are cows bad?

they are not bad unless they eat poo. but their good because their the one who give u milk

Is it bad to drink milk over 3 times a day?

No, it's not bad to drink that much milk, unless the cow who made it ate pesticides on the grass. Milk is actually very good for you, it strengthens your bones.