Microangiopathy, is when the walls of very small blood vessels (capillaries) become so thick and weak that they bleed, leak protein, and slow the flow of blood. It is a common occurrance with diabetics. This can happen in many areas of the body.
Meaning of chronic microangiopathy on brain MRI report
Schistocytes are fragmented red blood cells that are commonly seen in conditions such as hemolytic anemia, thrombotic microangiopathy, and disseminated intravascular coagulation. These abnormal cell fragments can be caused by mechanical injury as the blood passes through narrowed vessels or damaged endothelium.
More dangerous Most dangerous
What is dangerous? Asking questions? That isn't dangerous.
It is not dangerous
more dangerous most dangerous
No no moths are dangerous! I love moths and well they are not dangerous.
They were dangerous.
Physically the internet is not dangerous - it can lead to dangerous encounters with nutcases for example, but the internet itself is not dangerous.
It depends on the size. Small= not that dangerous. Big= very dangerous.
They are not dangerous by themselves. To be dangerous to anyone, a person has to be invloved.
Dangerous is an adjective.