Not as long as you practise safe sex, and give it a rest if anything gets tender or sore.
No, its not bad for you, but it you afford to drink it everyday, then yes, it can affect your health.
There are questions and there are questions. If the authorities (or your spouse) are questioning you when you have something to hide, then it may be bad for your health. But if you mean everyday questions from everyday people in everyday situations, then questions can be good for your health; at least good for your mental health. Questions should make you think; they may raise possibilities that you haven't considered before; you may learn something in pursuit of an answer.
making things but its also bad for our health!
There are two different versions with the same title, one is by Roberta Flack, the other by Bad Company.
Depends what your sucking.
I would say that this guy is not for you. True love isn't someone making you feel bad about yourself, he should love you for exactly who you are, because if he doesn't there is ALWAYS someone out there who will....someone who is right for you. I wish u all the love in the world
It's my bad love making that lead to the divorce with Boomsheekah. She took 3/4s of my possessions and ran away with my best friend (and he's WHITE!!!). Then came alcohol.....
In general having too much of any one thing isn't generally a good idea; however, there aren't many vegetables (i'm not aware of any, except maybe large amounts of raw spinach) that will affect your health in a bad way just because you're eating them every day. Now, having corn syrup everyday might have a bad affect on your health.
Well, it sure ain't doing you any good. Although it depends on why you're having them. Some aren't really a health risk but more of a nuisance. Others are caused by real health issues, and you need to get those treated.
I would wait a little to 'do it'
no its not bad unless you drink or eat one everyday stop or go see a doctor if you get stomache whenever you eat hot sauce...