The answer to that is, nobody knows for sure. But you should still treat that person with kindness and respect because they are really no different from you. God made everyone for a reason. So dont treat that person differently just because they are different from you. So it really doesnt matter.
Linda Ronstadt's birth name is Linda Maria Ronstadt.
Linda Ronstadt was born on July 15, 1946
Linda Ronstadt was born on July 15, 1946.
Linda Ronstadt was born on July 15, 1946.
Linda Ronstadt's father's name was Gilbert Ronstadt. He was a prosperous machinery merchant who was of Mexican and German descent.
Linda Ronstadt is a/an Singer songwriter musician record producer actress
The Very Best of Linda Ronstadt was created in 2002-09.
linda ronstadt
Get Closer - Linda Ronstadt album - was created in 1982-09.
Greatest Hits - Linda Ronstadt album - was created in 1967.
For Sentimental Reasons - Linda Ronstadt album - was created in 1985.
What's New - Linda Ronstadt album - was created in 1983-09.