laughter is not bad at all. There fore laughter is actually a good thing.
No, Infact laughter is really good for you it help's you burn calories and is good for your heart and you.
The noun 'laughter' is a common, concrete, uncountable noun; a word for the action or sound of laughing.
Medical science has proven that laughter is a good way to help depressed people for example. The laughter releases certain chemicals that effect the body and brain. A positive attitude is always good for good health.
Yes, laughter is a common noun; a common nouns are words for any person, place, thing or idea.A proper noun is the name for a specific person (Ben Franklin), place (Italy), thing (Trump Tower), or a title (Laughter in the Dark 1969).
Laughing is good and healthy for you.
Yes, the word 'laughter' is a noun, a word for a verbal expression of mirth, pleasure, derision, or nervousness; a word for a thing.
It's good for your health.
Here are some funny comparisons that can be made with the keyword "laughter": Laughter is like a contagious yawn - once it starts, it's hard to stop! Laughter is like a good joke - it always leaves you wanting more. Laughter is like a balloon - it can lift your spirits and make you feel lighter. Laughter is like a good cup of coffee - it's the perfect pick-me-up for a rough day. Laughter is like a rainbow - it brightens up even the gloomiest of days.
Not exactly.
Laughing is good for people.
How about "I Love to Laugh" from the Walt Disney film Mary Poppins?