very good. usually meant as in admiration, congradulations, or recognition
kudos to you
The valve seals in the head are bad.
Kudos - album - was created in 2000.
Kudos is pronounced as "KOO-dohs."
I could answer this question much more in depth if it asked what is the BAD of NAFTA. I cannot really think of any good that has come from the agreement for the average working man in the United States. If you live in a country that is getting all the jobs we have lost then kudos to you.
You can't spend kudos, they give you exp in multiplayer
The word "kudos" is pronounced as KOO-doz.
I think you mean kudos. Kudos is short for congratulations
Kudos to the stellar Thespian who won the battle
Bruno Doodle Glucose Pseudo Sumo
good wishes, greetings, compliments, best wishes, felicitations