Nothing he just fell need to worry
good and bad
Bad And Good
yes and there are good people and there are bad people. the bad bad bad people love the Satan and the good good people love god and i am from the good people.
if you mean good or bad for the inviornment, its bad
Actually, guns are neither good nor bad. They are simply a bit of machinery. They can be used for good or bad reasons, to do good or bad things. By good or bad PEOPLE.
Being good is not bad, and being bad is not good! Wikicom is good and bad. Good because it's interesting, challengingand you learn stuff; bad because you spend too much time on the site.
it is good and bad
Bacteria can be both good and bad for you. Some bacteria are beneficial and essential for bodily functions, such as aiding in digestion and supporting the immune system. However, harmful bacteria can cause infections and illnesses. Maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in the body is crucial for overall health and well-being.
As with all peoples, you have good and bad, and the good consistently outnumber the bad
I believe they do. It is human nature that opposits attract. Good girls are attracted to the bad boys who turn into the bad husbands. I'm a good wife who has (soon to be HAD) a bad husband. But what contitues a bad husband? Is their a scale from 1-10? How bad is bad? Good is good there is no scale for good. But bad is another story.