Are you hopefully that one day that person will return the same type of emotions? If so then i would say that it is a bad idea. Not only is the maturity level on two different levels but it is against the law. If its a man your thinking about then he's probably only thinking about one thing..let be honest.. and if is a women, well I'm sure she want a full blown committed relationship and at the age of 14 your mind should be thinking of school, Cartoons and going shopping at the mall, not how your gonna provide for a family.
Yes they can fall in love.
Yes. Especially if the teacher is a old male. GROSS!
Yes there is nothing wrong with that, but you might be a little young too be in love.
Sure, why not. Love is love.
by careing for her and looking out for her
Technically no but it is different.
No. As long as you love him or her.
No but proceedwith caution
Love happens and it isn't wrong. But for there to be any sexual contact would be illegal.