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Q: Is it wrong to be a nonsensical person?
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What is the term for using the wrong word?

The term for using the wrong word is "malapropism." It refers to the unintentional misuse of a word that sounds similar to the intended word, resulting in a comical or nonsensical statement.

How do you use the word nonsensical in a sentence?

Nonsensical contributions on will be removed by Supervisors.The story was very nonsensical.The police arrested him for the false and nonsensical statement which wasted their valuable time.

How do you form an adjective from the noun nonsense?

The adjective form is nonsensical, itself a slightly nonsensical word.

Is nonsensical a word?


What word ending in - ical means or pertains to person's life?

practical; nonsensical; lackadaisical; a study in historical events;

What does nonsensical speech mean?

nonsensical speech is what a husband says to his wife when she asks if he has done the work on his "must do" list

What is the meaning of rigmarole?

A succession of confused or nonsensical statements; foolish talk; nonsense., Consisting of rigmarole; frovolous; nonsensical; foolish.

How do you write in gibberish?

"Gibberish" refers to speech or other use of language (such as writing) that is nonsensical, or what the listener (or reader) perceives to be nonsensical.

Is it wrong to kiss a person?

No, provided the other person wants to be kissed by you. If they do not then yes it is wrong.

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That is a nonsensical question.

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