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Absolutely not! They probably know you more than anyone else does. And if you are worried about rejection, you know they'll do it in a really nice way. But be warned, sometimes when you and your best friend break up, your friendship might change...

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Q: Is it weird to date your best friend?
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No, it is really not weird to have your best friend as your phone background. Many people have friends and loved ones as their backgrounds.

If she likes you but you don't like her but like her best friend who likes your best friend who likes the girl in love with you is that weird?

its not weird its just a love triangle more like a love square, that's sort of weird

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No. Just tell your best friend that he is taken. It is her decision from there.

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That's just weird === === == It seems as though he does not want to be alone with you or maybe he was not aware that it was to only be you two. === === === ===

Is it weird to date your brother's friend if he's a year older than you and he likes you too?

not really it wud only be weird for ur brother cuz its his friend and ur his sister

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The best person to date is your best friend.

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Why is my best friend Adelaide asking weird questions?

Ask her :d

What should you do if your best friend doesn't approve of your boyfriend?

Well, if your best friend likes your boyfriend, then I really think you shouldn't date him. If your best friend just doesn't like him, then you should just date him. I mean, does it really matter what your best friend thinks? She should like you no matter who you date.

How do you go on a date with your best friend?

I believe you can go on date with a best friend. But when you really look forward to these dates . you better look out because ur best friend my become your new boyfriend/girlfriend.

How do you get a stubborn friend jealous of you?

Date the guy your best friend likes.

How do you get your ex girlfriend back when she is dating your friend?

You date her best friend