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No as long as really like the person and are above 16 then it fine.

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Q: Is it weird to date someone 10 years apart?
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Would it be weird to date someone 3 years older than you?

If you're a girl, not really. However, if you are a boy, then that might feel a little bit weird.

If you love someone should you date them if they don't want there parents knowing?

Yes if you love each other you should date I know the age is weird sometimes you just have to hide it from the parents I've went through this we were 6 years apart and were still together possibly getting married

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If you are under 18, and they are over.

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Only 3 years apart! Of corse you can date him! My Mom and Dad are 4 years apart!And yes

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couple years ago, not to long, but I'm sure that someone will update this with a more specific date.

Why would you not date someone ten years older?

If your under 16, Its is illegal to date someone 10 years older. This person would be considered a pedophile. And you know, it'll feel a bit weird. Think about it, pretend your 30 and you're dating a guy/woman who's 40.

Would Selena Gomez date someone 5 years younger than her in 5 years?

For your information (its 2011) Justin is 17 and Selena is 18 there not even close to five years apart!

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well they are all 14 or 15 so that would be really weird for a nine year old to date them so i would say none of them. 5-6 years apart from each other

How far apart in age does a girl have to be for you to date?

OK if you are 16 years old and your on a date the girl can be 14 or 15 years old to date you.

Can you date someone 4yr older then you?

It depends on your gender, if you are a male and want to date a girl that is four years older than you, then go for it, it might be a little weird to your friends, but if she is the girl for you then it does not matter. If you are a girl and dating a boy that is four years older than you then it is ok. You can date whoever you want, its a free country and you can be as out there as you can.

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It would be kinda weird to date someone who doesn't like your music, so that would be a yes.

Would Selena Gomez date someone 5 years younger htan her in 5 years?

(its 2011) Justin Bieber is 17 and Selena Gomez is 18 there just 1 year apart!