Only People Who Have Sex Addictions Want Sex Constantly.
I don't think it is healthy or unhealthy.. It's just sex. At a young age, Sex is unhealthy.
If a guy only and ever talks about sex, forsaking other basic needs such as food and shelter, then sex is probably all that this particular man wants (or believe he wants). By "constantly", I presume you mean "often". Which should lead you to believe that this man often wants to have sex.Another thing to consider is fulfillment. If this man had lots of sex available and no food, you might find that this person would constantly talk about food, though admit that it isn't all that they want (they also want sex!).By the way, is there a problem? Are you not having sex with this man? You at least don't like hearing about him talking about sex. Maybe you should find a man who talks about sex less, or have sex with this man more so he'll shut up.
Yes because you can get stds
Yes, it is probably unhealthy.
Never let him push you for something you don't want to do. Also you should strongly consider breaking up with him and looking for a different partner. Pushing you for sex constantly is a likely sign that he lacks sensitivity and doesn't really care about you.
There not they are totally not unhealthy so u can eat them all u want :)
No, absolutely not. Do it as much as you want to.
We want unhealthy food even though it is bad for us because it tastes so good.
not all girls think about sex all the time
it is not unhealthy, that is what adult say just so that girls won't get pregnant and so that boys won't make kids at a young age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Waking up constantly during the night is not necesarily unhealthy but it depends why you are constantly waking up. If you are unable to sleep or cannot sleep for long periods of time it could be a possible case of insomnia. If your sleep deprivation continues use should prbably contact your doctor so you can have a better understanding of why it is happining. Hopefully this will help you a litte better. :)