

Is it unhealthy to share bath water?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Lvl 1
12y ago

Best Answer

using the same bath water is not that important as sharing something like a toothbrush but only do it with your family


are you crazy sharin bath water is the dumbest thing you can do if you have an open cut and they have a disease that they don't even know they have you can get it and possibly worse than they have it everyone knows you ain't supposed to share bath water


I'm sorry, but I have to agree with the middle answerer. Sharing bath water is disgusting. If you bathe in water that someone else has already bathed in, you're not going to get clean; you're just going to coat yourself in the other person's filth.

In fact, even if you bathe alone, taking a bath is still disgusting. You don't get clean; all you're doing is wallowing around in your own filth. Unless you drain the tub after washing, and fill it up again for rinsing, you are not going to get clean at all. And even then, you're still going to leave the bath with a certain amount of filth on you.

The only way to really get clean is to take a shower.

Thanks I have showers instead of baths normally and have baths after showers on the weekend to relax, my family says go in after me but i never go in after anyone. So thanks you guys proved my point.

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