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Actually no its not unhealhy to drink piss (urine) either your own or somebody elses the toxins that it contains are far less than in your average fast food burger or a glass of beer, for it to become unhealthy you would have to drink gallons a day (as in other things excessive quantities are allways bad for you) or assuming that you want to drink somebody elses they would have to have some kind of urinary or kidney infection to make it dangerous, there are documented cases of people in survival situations drinking urine many times without any adverse effects.

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Q: Is it unhealthy to drink urine?
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Can you drink women urine?

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Yes, a person can drink his/her own urine.

Can you swallow female urine?

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Yes, and it is unhealthy for everyone within the home. Pet urine causes odors when it dries and leaves bacteria contaminated salt deposits in the carpet. If it is a cat, what you are smelling is the ammonia created by the cat urine. Ammonia in high concentrations is not good for you or your newborn baby. All-in-all any kind of pet urine creates an unhealthy home environment.

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You can drink it all day every day urine is sterile ...

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No, dogs typically do not drink their own urine at night.

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No, female dogs typically do not drink their own urine.

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Don't drink urine.

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