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Depends how tall your 15 year old is, weight is not measured by age.

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Q: Is it unhealthy for a fifteen year old to weigh 195 pounds?
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Very. A two year old boy should weigh around 30 pounds, unless he is unusually tall for his age.

Hello I am a 13 year old female and am 5'4 and weigh 145 pounds am I considered fat and what is a healthy weight for me?

i think your fine I'm fifteen and i weigh 155.

How much should a 3 year-old weigh?

About 10 to 15 pounds. Ten to fifteen pounds is what an infant weighs. My brother weighed ten pounds on the day he was born (I weighed eight and a half). A three year-old child should weigh around 30 pounds (14 kilograms).

How much should a healthy weight fifteen year old female weigh?

It depends on how tall the 15 year old female is. If she is around 5 feet 6 inches tall, she should weigh between 118 pounds and 148 pounds.

You are a 45 year old man and you weigh 457 pounds are you overweight?

Yes, 457 pounds for any age is overweight. 457 is overweight for any person because its unhealthy try going on a diet

What exercises and diet to do to get muscular -so I am a fifteen year old male turning 16 in about two weeks At the moment i weigh about 150 pounds i am 5'7?

If you are a fifteen year old male turning 16 in about two weeks who is 5'7" and 150 pounds some exercises and diet to do to get muscular would include weights and a high calories diet.

How much is a fifteen year supposed to weigh?

your meant to weigh 80 kg. JOKES! THAT MEANS YOUR FAT

Is it bad for a 10 year old girl to weigh 123 pounds?

Yes. When I was 10 I weighed 110 and was considered over weight. More moving, less eating unhealthy food.

How much should a average eleven year old girl weigh?

Everyone weighs differently depending on our height and if we're active or not. Although they should weigh about 80 pounds to 105 pounds. I'm very unactive and I eat a lot of unhealthy foods and I'm 68 pounds. I'm 12, but when I was 11 I weighed 64 pounds. A lot of the kids in my class (even the ones that aren't "fat" or obese) are 100 + and were last year.

I am a 16 year old girl I weigh 97 pounds and I am 5'5 Is that normal?

i think that you need to gain some weight! being under 100 at your age is very unhealthy. It truly depends on how tall you are.. if your 5'3" or taller you need to weigh more!