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Q: Is it true that waking someone while they are sleeping can cause brain damage?
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What're the after effects for someone who overdosed sleeping pills?

Possible liver damage, kidney damage, possibly brain damage.

How do you know if someone has brain damage?

If they are a hardcore Christian then yes.

The brain that plays a part in sleep?

Sleeping and waking depend on activities in the brain stem. Several areas of the brain seem to be involved in dreams and REM sleep, including the hippocamus and cortex. See attached links.

What is a person who has brain damage called?

It really all depends on what the brain damage was. Someone might have had a stroke, a traumatic brain injury, a tumor, bleeding in the brain, or many different things.

Why cant you sleep after concussion?

Due to the potential brain damage incurred from a concussion, concussion victims are kept awake primarily to observe and ensure no brain damage has occured. In situations where it has, death may result from a person sleeping.

Can an anuerysm cause epilepsy?

If someone gets some damage to their brain, this can result in someone getting epilepsy. So if someone had a aneurysm in their brain and some damage was done, it is possible that epilepsy could develop epilepsy, but it is not certain that it would happen.

Which is the most important organ in your body heart or brain?

heart because if heart is not present in body brain do not get blood and so brain will damage

Does a coma patient have brain activity?

Since a coma is just going to sleep and never waking up, a coma shouldn't cause brain damage. It is just that the brain is in a permanent mode of sleep in which the victim cannot be aroused.

If someone die can they come back alive?

yes. they might have brain damage, though.

What are some serious side effects when someone faint?

if occurs often then brain damage

Can a severe blow to the head cause brain damage?

A severe blow to the head can definitely cause brain damage. It can cause swelling, which can ultimately lead to death. I know someone that this happened to.

How long does it take to receive brain damage or even die if the the body is not receiving oxygen?

Brain damage start to occur at around 4-6 minutes in someone who's not breathing.