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Q: Is it true that the acute renal failure has sudden onset and is characterized by uremia?
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Acute renal failure has sudden onset and is characterized by?


Does acute renal failure have a sudden onset and is characterized by uremia?


Which sudden onset condition is characterized by uremia?

ACute Renal Failure (ARF)

Is it true that acute renal failure has sudden onset and is charactized by uremia?


What is The condition also known as uremic poisoning?

kidney failure which may b acute or chronic

Respiratory failure characterized by atelectasis?

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

What is acute peripheral circulatory failure?

Sudden failure of the circulatory system in the limbs or a limb often resulting in gangrene and subsequent organ failure.

What is the difference between acute renal failure and chronic renal failure?

The difference between acute renal (kidney) failure and chronic kidney failure, is that acute is a sudden onset. Something like a medical condition, trama, or surgery can cause the failure within days or even hrs. Chrinic kidney failure is slow damage to the kidney over a few years, resulting in the kidneys not being able to filter blood properly.

Acute left sided congestive heart failure what exactly does ACUTE mean in this instance?

'Acute' means sudden onset or short course, as opposed to 'chronic' which means long duration or frequent recurrence.

What is the medical definition of acute?

Acute refers to a sudden onset or short duration of a disease or condition, typically characterized by intense symptoms. It is the opposite of chronic, which refers to long-lasting or recurring conditions.

Which condition can be caused by the kidneys not receiving enough blood to filter due to dehydration or a sudden drop in blood volume or blood pressure?

acute renal failure

What is the medical term meaning the loss of renal function which may be acute or current and lead to uremia?

Kidney failure is the medical term meaning loss of renal function. It may also be called end stage renal disease late in the process.