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That is a difficult question to answer because it is most likely a result of several factors. One may be less enthusiasm, mild depression, or lower interest in social and/or sexual activities. It may also be as a result for poor nutrition which would aggravate any of the factors already mentioned.

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Q: Is it true denial of approaching advanced age can result in neglect of ones health?
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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recogizes six types of maltreatment of children. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

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What is physical neglect?

physical neglect is when the body gets badly beaten such as child abuse. Answer Physical neglect can be classified as child abuse because if you neglect your child it is essentially abuse. Physical neglect can also relate to anyone who doesn't take care of themselves such as drug abuse, not eating right to the point of malnutrition, not going to the doctor when ill, etc. I see many homeless people on a day-to-day basis who fall into the category of physical neglect. They are exposed to the elements such as extreme heat, cold - they have no shelter. They do not get to eat and when they do it's sometimes from food others have thrown away. If they don't initially have medical problems, they soon develop them from how they're having to live. Their physical health declines causing even more mental health issues. So, physical neglect can occur in many ways even to people who are not homeless, people who have great incomes, anyone.

What are some causes of the neglect of ohysical activity?

Neglecting physical activity can affect your health, your emotional and mental state in a negative way.

How many children get neglected each year?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as cases of child neglect are often underreported. However, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services, an estimated 678,000 children were victims of neglect in 2018.

What is person centred approach in relation to mental health?

Some people stay in denial, others seek treatment. It all have to do with where the person is in their lives.

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What is passive physical abuse?

-Passive neglect- Passive neglect is the non-willful failure to fulfill care-taking responsibilities because of inadequate caregiver knowledge, infirmity, or disputing the value of prescribed services as oppsed to -Active neglect- Active neglect is the willful failure by a caregiver to fulfill care-taking functions and responsibilities. This includes, but is not limited to, abandonment, deprivation of food, water, heat, cleanliness, eyeglasses, dentures, or health-related services

Can a group health insurance deny coverage based on pre existing condition if they have no written explanations of such limitations and conditions in any written format?

The explanation appears in "fine print" in your certificate of coverage. The claim denial should tell you exactly the words from the certificate that is the basis for the denial. If you are not sastisfied with their answer, you can appeal the decision. THe denial letter should also give you instructions about how to appeal the decision.

What is another name for Living Will?

health care proxy advanced directive medical power of attorney

Is neglect a positive connotation or negative connotation?

Neglect is generally considered to have a negative connotation as it is defined as failing to take proper care or attention for something or someone. The Oxford English Dictionary defines neglect as the state of being uncared for ignored or not given proper attention or consideration. This implies that neglect is not only a lack of action but also a lack of consideration and empathy. Furthermore neglect can have serious consequences such as psychological harm or physical harm to people or property. Neglect can manifest in many different forms including: Physical neglect such as failing to provide adequate food clothing or shelter Emotional neglect such as not providing emotional support or validation Educational neglect such as not providing access to appropriate educational resources or opportunities Medical neglect such as not providing access to necessary medical careTherefore neglect is generally seen as a negative connotation and should be avoided in order to ensure the well-being of those around us.