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The 2 are independent of each other. Having a tubal does not change the risks of getting an IUD one way or another.

Some may wonder why would any woman want both? Some woman want to reduce the risk of pregnancy further. Keep in mind that the only way to have zero chance of pregnancy is no sex at all. No contraception is 100% effective. IUD may also provide a benefit that some woman want on top of the contraception, reduce or stop the monthly cycle.

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9y ago

Yes, you can use the IUD after tubal ligation. It may be useful to use a hormonal IUD after a tubal for control of painful or heavy periods. Talk with your health care provider to see if doing so may make sense in your caswe.

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Q: Is it safe to use an IUD if you have a tubal?
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Why do you have to take birth control after a tubal pregnancy post tubal ligation?

You have to take birth control because, if you got preg. once after tubal, then it means the tubal failed and you have a chance to become pregnant again. Of course, if you want to get preg. again, don't take the birth control!

How often it is safe to use IUD after first pregnancy?

It may be perfectly safe, but I have child number three due to IUD that didnt work after being put in when my second child was 6 weeks old. They are 15 months apart in age.

Is it safe to mix IUD with Ben Wah Balls?

Ben Wah Balls will not affect the IUD.

When can you use an IUD?

You can use an IUD anytime you are interested in avoiding pregnancy.

How soon can pregnancy occur after both IUD an tubal ligation?

Tubal Ligation is meant to be permanent and most women will not be able to get pregnant after. TLs can fail and the woman may become pregnant, the failure rate or percentages are less than .05% And if woman had a TL then ALSO got an IUD she probably wouldn't have to worry at all.

Who is responsible if a woman get pregnant with an IUD?

Pregnancy is a known risk whenever a woman has sex. There is no birth control method, including vasectomy and tubal ligation, that is 100% effective. If a woman gets pregnant with an IUD, she and her partner are responsible.

Can an unmarried women use an IUD?

Yes, you can use the IUD whether or not you're married.

Is it safe to get pregnant after removing IUD?

Y e s

Which IUD type is the safest to use?

The copper and hormonal IUDs are equally safe in terms of side effects and pregnancy risk. You can choose based on your preference for continuing your current pattern of menstruation, or choosing no periods with the hormonal IUD.

Is it safe to come inside a woman with an IUD?

an IUD prevents pregency, but it is not always effective. ( For a better answer, have the couple talk to a doctor about effective birth control ). WikiAnswers does not practice medicine.

Is a Mirena IUD as safe as any other make?

Mirena IUD birth control method is generally safe and it doesn't cause major problems. In some cases there are side effects, such as obesity, depression and dizziness.

How can you help sustain family planning?

Birth Control pill, IUD, condoms, Nor-plants, vasectomies, tubal ligations, spermicides. There are no excuses for unwanted pregnancies in this 21st century.