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First of all -- it shouldn't hurt!

Second -- clean, clean, clean. It's not your feces you have to worry about, it's what you might put in.

Third -- no sharp edges, no points. There is a lot of delicate tissue in there. (Hint: trim your fingernails!)

Fourth -- your butt does not produce lubrication, so you will need something like mineral oil, petroleum jelly, or a water- or silicone-based lubricant. (Spit will work, but it doesn't stay slippery very long.) Whatever you use should be medical or food grade stuff, or something specifically intended for use as a sexual lubricant.

In addition to your fingers, you can use sex toys designed for anal stimulation like a butt plug or a dildo (start small -- the diameter of one of your average turds). People have also used candles, some smooth-skinned vegetables and tool handles. Remember, though, you have to be able to get it out again. "Ben-wah" balls are solid balls strung together with rope, heavy string, etc. They come in various sizes and the idea is to push them in and then slowly pull them out. There is also a single ball, made of metal and heavy enough to be pooped out, but be careful: I've heard that people have actually cracked their toilet bowls when the ball drops out.

Don't use anything likely to break and create sharp edges. Never use anything made of glass. Avoid wood that can splinter and anything with paint that can chip off. Also -- no bottles. It's possible to create a dangerous partial vaccuum that can cause permanent damage.

If something does go wrong, be prepared to go to the Emergency room and tell them what's in there. (And keep in mind, you might not be able to drive.)

The idea here is not to see how big or how long you can make it, but to find something that feels good! If it isn't fun, you're doing it wrong.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes, as long as it has something you can hold on to because it would be embarrassing to go to the hospital and get it removed (you will have to have surgery.) Make sure it is CLEAN! Be careful!

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