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No. You can get pregnant just about any time.

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Q: Is it safe to have unprotected sex a week till the start of period?
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Can you start your birth control the day after your period starts?

YES. soon after u r period it is safe period till 10 day till relese of egg so poping up pill can be stopped

Explain how many days before or after your period a girl can become pregnant?

From the first day of your period you are safe.Then two days after your period you are safe.From the third day after your period to twelveth day after your period you are not safe.Your safe period start again from thirteenth day after your period till after your next period.You can draw your mensruation chart to calculate it.Good luck. From the first day of your period you are safe.Then two days after your period you are safe.From the third day after your period to twelveth day after your period you are not safe.Your safe period start again from thirteenth day after your period till after your next period.You can draw your mensruation chart to calculate it.Good luck. From the first day of your period you are safe.Then two days after your period you are safe.From the third day after your period to twelveth day after your period you are not safe.Your safe period start again from thirteenth day after your period till after your next period.You can draw your mensruation chart to calculate it.Good luck. From the first day of your period you are safe.Then two days after your period you are safe.From the third day after your period to twelveth day after your period you are not safe.Your safe period start again from thirteenth day after your period till after your next period.You can draw your mensruation chart to calculate it.Good luck.

Can you do sexintercourse now you are 12 years old girl?

If your a guy you can't in till you let of spern if your a girl then not in till you start your period.

Can you start your pill on day 3 of your period?

No, as it will stop your period and you will have terrible pains, you can only start taking them when your off, and you have to do that till you stop taking the pill or you won't have your periods.

Why are you not having your period and you are a virgin?

You dont have to be a virgin or have sex to be on youre period, some girls dont start their periods till the age of 18 maybe higher, just got to be patient and wait for them to start

Why did your period only last 1 day?

Your menstrual cycle can last a day on some circumstances.Some examples are: if you are stressed, if you have unprotected intercourse it is possible for implantation to occur causing a spotting like period, if you have an irregular period due to overweight,underweight or other factors, sometimes it takes a couple days for your period to start so it may spot for a day in a half till' two days, and some birth control pills will cause you to have breakthru bleeding or spotting.

If your period ended on Monday but you are not scheduled to start your new birth control pack till Sunday can you get pregnant if you have sex between that time before you start your new pack?

In a word...NO.

When you start your period if you have brown spotting do you count that as the first day of your cycle or do you wait till you see bright red blood?

any sort of spotting either before or after is considered to be your period.

If you missed just one birth control pill is it normal for my period to come about a week before the sugar pills should i take the rest of the pack or wait till my period is over and start a new pack?

Yes, it's normal. Wait until your period is over and start a new cycle.

A box or drawer for kepping money?

a box or drawer for keeping money is called "till"

What do you do if you miss more than three pills and you got your period?

If you missed more than three pills, you wait till your period is over and start a new pack. This way you get yourself back on track.

What was the time period of Ancient India?

Around 4.5 thousand years. The exact number depends on what period you consider to be the start of modern India.