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its not safe to have an early labor, but yes its safe at 32 weeks because we now have technology that will help out the little one to live. The earliest baby that was ever born was 21 weeks, and that baby survived.

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16y ago
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10y ago

Yes it is possible. at 34 weeks the baby still has yet to develop their lungs and eyes.. Some babies may develop much faster than others therefore some others may develop completely and healthy at only 34 weeks... yet some others may develop even slow and need a little more time to grow. it's best to talk to your doctor and see what he or she has to say on your baby's development. every baby is different

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15y ago

I delivered my twins at 34 weeks. Generally though your baby will be in the NICU if there are any problems at birth or if they are a low birth weight. My twins were 4.4lbs and 4.8lbs they spent a week and a half in the NICU to gain weight so they could come home.

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16y ago

Yes....babies born between 34-37 weeks generally do fine if there are no other health problems. They may need to go to special baby care unit for stay as sometimes they may have a few shot-term health issues, but they usually do as well as full term babies.

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14y ago

That's a little bit early. Ideally, doctors like you to be at least 37 weeks pregnant before you deliver - in fact, anything between 37 and 42 weeks is considered ideal. Anything earlier than that and your baby risks having complications. However, a baby born at 34 weeks - although they would likely have to spend time in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - would likely do well in the long run, and would almost certainly survive, if the birth happened in a hospital with adequate facilities. A home birth would be dangerous at 34 weeks, because the baby would need some medical attention.

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12y ago

well it deend because if the baby has to come it is kind of ok but if you dont have to dont because the baby could really adapt some severe stuff

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16y ago

no you should probably wait till the nineth month . if u care for your future infant you may want to wait till your water breaks

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13y ago

No, the baby's lungs need more time but sometimes the doctors have to if the baby or mother's health is in danger.

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Q: Is it safe to give birth at 35 weeks?
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Is it safe to deliver at 35 weeks?

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There are 5 weeks in 35 days.

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No. There are 5 weeks in 35 days.

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It is safe but in the last trimester, avoid having the massage done on your ankles and lower legs as this can cause you to go into labor occasionally.

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No. 35 weeks is 245 days.

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Yes it's perfectly safe to sit in a car for 12 hours just like you would sit anywhere else but I wonder how comfortable you would be at 35 weeks.

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A month is usually 4 weeks. So 35 weeks divided by four is eight months and three weeks.

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For the European hedgehog, the typical gestation time is 35 days.This also true for domesticated pets, though it can range from as low as 30 days to as many as 40+ days.they're pregnant for 35 days or as much as 59 days.

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None. 5 weeks = 35 days and no month has 35 days in it.

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The survival rate for gestational period of 21 weeks or less: 0%; 22 weeks: 0-10%; 23 weeks: 10-35%; 24 weeks: 40-70%; 25 weeks: 50-80%; 26 weeks: 80-90%; 27 weeks: greater than 90%.

Which is greater 35 weeks or 340 days?

340 days is greater because 35 weeks = 245 days