It is probably no more risky than drinking water from a clear running stream. The frost is formed from water vapour so as it is formes it is pure. I suppose it then depends on how old it is and what has come into contact with it. It should be ok though.
Freezer frost is safe to eat as it is just ice crystals that have formed on the surface of frozen food. However, it may affect the taste and texture of the food. It is recommended to remove the frost before consuming the food for a better eating experience.
Unless the freezer has been kept scrupulously clean -- unlikely, if it has frost -- the frost probably harbors a variety of bacteria, which could include salmonella among others. Since they could reactivate when thawed out, it is quite dangerous to eat the frost, especially if pregnant. We suggest a blender and ice cubes to make shaved ice.
If it was safe to eat when it was put in the freezer, it would still be safe to eat now.
sure it is!! And, it tastes so good! the frost is from humidity in the air (when you open the door), or foods placed in the freezer (especially hot foods) which freezes, the humidity that is, on the coils of the freezer. the cold gas in the coils cause it to freeze. yum yum yum.. freezer frost!
I don't think it's a good idea to eat freezer burn it tastes wierd.
Frost can form in a frost-free freezer if the door is frequently opened, allowing warm, moist air to enter and create condensation that freezes. Additionally, if the freezer is overfilled, air circulation may be restricted, leading to frost buildup.
I would eat it if it doesn't have freezer burn.
because there are a bunch of white molicules in the frost.
Jf frost or ice developes on frozen meat is it still safe to eat?
Your food starts to get a freezer burn
1 Use a frost-free freezer. Frost-free freezers are freezers that are temperature-controlled in order to keep frost from developing in the freezer in the first place.2 Place and use a dehumidifier in the room where you have your freezer set up, if you notice your freezer has frost buildup on days when there is high humidity. A high humidity level in the air is likely the problem if you notice frost build up in your freezer during the summer months.3 Close the doors to the freezer at all times. If you notice the doors to the freezer don't close securely when you push them shut, make sure it is secure. Also, keep children from standing with the freezer door open when they aren't getting something out of the freezer in order to keep warm air that contains moisture out of the freezer. When the doors to the freezer finally close, the moisture in the warm air instantly freezes and creates frost.4 Adjust the temperature in the freezer to a lower level. When you see frost building up in your freezer, it is often caused by too high of a temperature in the freezer unit. By adjusting the temperature to a lower level, you can eliminate the frost build up.5 Clean your refrigerator to keep frost from building up. If you keep moisture and dirt out of your freezer, these materials can't turn into frost.