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Yes, any water that has been boiled is very safe to drink. It is important to let the water cool down; do not try to drink water that is still boiling.

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Q: Is it safe to drink boiled water from a hot tap supply?
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Can you refrigerate boiled water?

Yes, you can refrigerate boiled water. It is safe to drink, and storing it in the refrigerator will help it to cool down faster for drinking later.

Is the water safe to drink in Costa Rica?

Yes , water is safe to drink throughout the whole country, some well water may not be safe to drink in very distant out of the way places, unless boiled.

If you collect rain water in a bucket is it safe to drink or should it be boiled?

It depends on how clean the bucket is :)

Why do you drink boiled water?

Yes it is. I have been drinking boiled city water for 70 years. After water has been boiled, nearly all germs have been killed because of the inhospitable environment. Some bacteria do exist above that temperature, but it is unlikely they will harm you if you drink the boiled water. It is safe to drink especially if it is not still scalding.

Is it safe to drink water that is boiled by electric heater rod?

Boiling water will kill any bacteria or parasites that are in it, but won't do anything about toxins.

What are examples of contaminamts?

Arsenic is an example. If it gets into the water supply, the water is not safe to drink. So the water is said to be contaminated.

Is it safe to drink tap water on a industrial estate?

I would say not. You would be amazed to find out what industries have in tap water today. Its like dinking boiled ocean water.

What is the safe temperature for drinking water?

Not sure about this. All rivers run but many are unfit to drink. Most of us drink boiled water (at least as tea, coffee and beer) without a problem (unless we drink too much beer!).AnswerAs long as water runs, its a safe temprature to drink. I would worry drinking boiled water (100 degrees celcius) I may burn myseif. i also think that 32-45 would be an average for warm waterSammy_girl (GO BLEACH)I think that water as hot as 60 Celsius (140 Fahrenheit) is safe and it won't burn you.

How do you cure water before drinking?

If by "cure" you mean make safe to drink, it can be boiled, or treated with a disinfecting chemical, such as chlorine. It can also be treated with ultraviolet light.

Is the water of Lake Victoria safe to drink?

no it is not safe to drink.

If lizard falls in water is it safe to drink?

is it safe to drink water if lizard falls in it