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No, not always because if she ovulates right after her period is done and she has a short (say 4 or 5 day period) the sperm can survive in her body for up to 5 days so if she ovulates right after her period those waiting sperm can fertilize the egg and she could get pregnant. Hope this helps. Every woman is different so unless she knows her ovulation schedule I wouldnt take any chances if you don't want a baby. The most unlikely time to get pregnant is right b4 your period but, anything can happen.

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Q: Is it safe to come inside when girl is at start of period?
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Can a girl start her period at 100lbs?

Yes, you can start at any weight.

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Have you started your piriod?

Starting your period can be a big deal. It is the start of puberty for a girl. Periods can start from ages 8-16, but they most commonly come between the ages of 11 and 13.

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what is wrong with you??

When does a girl have their period?

Once a girl has started menstruating, her period should come about once a month and will last for about 5 to 7 days. Cycles vary, though, and what is "normal" for one girl will not be "normal" for another. Some girls have very regular periods and will be able to calculate exactly when their bleeding will start and finish, while others have more irregular cycles and it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly when the period will start and end.

When should a girl start there period?

Girls usually get their first period between the ages of 11-15.

How old do you need to be to have your period?

It is normal to start your period from the age of 11 - 16but the youngest girl to start her period was about 3 but that is EXTREMELY rarei was 13 :)hope this helps x

When the period should come?

at the end of a sentence -or- when a girl's body is ready

When will a girl find out she is pregnant?

she will find out once her period doesnt come

What is the normal age for a girl to start her period?

9-13 years old I have always heard it was 9-17 I thought you had to be 11 to start your period!!!!

How does the period start in a girl?

First you grow hair on the Regina then you start to bleed and I don't know more

Does every girl get their period?

Yes, almost every girl gets their period. Sometimes you might not get it until your older than 16, other times you can start at 9 or maybe even younger. It all depends on your body type for when you start your regular period.