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Q: Is it safe to bathe in contaminated water?
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Is drinking water from the tap safe and good for drinking?

If the water supply is not contaminated with fluoride then yes it is safe. If it is contaminated it is unsafe especially for pregnant woman and children.

Does putting water in the fridge make it safe to drink?

No, if the water is contaminated then refrigeration will NOT make it safe to drink.

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Why isn't it safe to jump in water that's contaminated with nuclear waste material?

The reason it isn't safe to jump in water that is contaminated with nuclear waste material is because it can make you sick or even kill you.

What are examples of contaminamts?

Arsenic is an example. If it gets into the water supply, the water is not safe to drink. So the water is said to be contaminated.

Is it safe to bathe children while sick?

It is safe to bathe sick children, if they are dried off afterwards so that they do not get a chill.

Your water is contaminated with arsenic is it safe to water vegetables with it?

No. Arsenic is poisonous, so the poison in the water would be metabolized by the vegetables, and then the vegetables would be toxic.

How has salt water been used to meet the fresh water needs of the Middle East?

Salt water can be treated to remove the dissolved chemicals - making it safe to drink or bathe with.

Why safe water should be used for cooking food?

You wouldn't want to use contaminated water to cook with because it can give you illness or diseases.

How long does contaminated water need to be boiled to make it safe?

it needs to be boiled for about 3 minutes at sea level.

Do pygmy hippos bathe in salt water or fresh water?

Hippos bathe in freshwater.

What to do when you get maced?

Bathe in tomato soup! Stay safe!