It is neither right nor wrong. As you may believe this person does not exist but you maybe in love with their physical appearance or their personality. You may meet somebody similar to this person later in life. My advice to people who are in love with people who do not exist is try and get over them, quickly. It is not good to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
There are people in the world that believe god does not exist and others who claim they love him/her/it. So if you do you have plenty of company.
sure of course
Well you can have someone love you must find the right person. They are out their
Live with it, tell them or find someone else.
Answer When you love someone enough, you will find a way to tell them. You will know when the time is right.
try to get to know them speak to them hang out but BE YOUR SELF
It's fine to love someone! There is a big difference between loving someone and becoming intimate with someone.
When you get some commonsense, stop dating douchebags, and form a connection with someone who loves you as much as you love them. Remember Mr. Right and Mr. Perfect aren't the same thing. One of them doesn't exist
look into your heart and you will find the right answer (:
If you try to get get someone to love you it probably will not happen. By not trying and simply being yourself, you have more chance of someone falling in love with you. That way they will fall in love with you for the right reasons.
It's a pity that has been your experience, but you are quite wrong.