Hi Laura Great to hear from you! Glad you agree. None of the Supers are against ALL teens at all and people such as yourself really help us out. I'm a believer that teens can talk to teens where sometimes they won't listen to us older ones. LOL There are new ideas coming up regarding teens and weeding out the bad from the good. Hang on! Yes, I'm ticked off too with SOME teens and it gets boring after awhile. I was really disappointed in one of the girls that had good contributions, but was cheeky to a Super and wasn't about to follow rules and regulations. Supers have to follow rules and regulations as well. Our motto on this site is to try and get along and expect any person of any age to have respect for each other. So what do you think of that Laura? Nice talking to you and hope you are a Super so we can talk. Yes, anyone can read this Private Message Board. If you are a Super then go onto Super's Forum listed to the left.
i would say no , but it matters what the circumstances are for each... if he really hurt you then id say he deserves it then
Yes. Everyone deserves a chance.
There is no specific name for it. It's just the wrong lead.
Because there is no lead in them any more.
I think he is but I don't really know seriously so if I'm wrong don't scream at me just guessing not knowing
he promised to lead germany out of the humiliation of world war one. he promised to restore the honor of the german race
This can lead to the wrong answer
I might be wrong but, I think that it was because people were forced to serve in the war based on there birthday. That lead people in the war not to want to really fight.
Yes. It is graphite
A 'red herring' is a false lead or clue, intended to lead the investigators in the wrong direction.
It's always wrong to lead someone on when there's no intention of following through.
to not let be tempted to do wrong