Yes it is really bad especially if the spit gets onto someone but if you can't control it, at least try not to get it onto someone. Even if you don't get it on people, it's still a disgusting sight to see and people can get turned off.
yes that can lead to motorsolopogus cancer ..which can lead to very slow and painful death.
They spit and smell bad.
Bad because they spit on you
No your talking about King of the Hill, which really is bad.
both; feels really good while experiencing it but really bad when it ends.
if ur talking about what it sounds like than no it smells really bad?
NO, she ain't a bad wrestler! if you're talking about a bad wrestler then you should see Layla, Rosa Mendes
Yes, you could end up with dry and with spit - ended frizy hair. That had happened to me when I did that for 1 year.
Bad coil, bad connection, improper voltage. It really depends on the kind of relay you're talking about
Wh it taste baD
If it tastes funky, spit it out.
if you have bad breathe or lots of Flem it does cc>