You can ruin a person's life if you do things to them that cause them great pain and suffering. Sometimes a person cannot recover from things.
yes a clone can take over someone's life and ruin their reputation
frist of all u shoudn't try to ruin someones business because its is so wrong and now to ruin someones business is to play with there feelings!
Bulimia can ruin someones social life and can make them die. ex oh. <3
You can key it, throw acid on it.
It can ruin relashonships and can cause stress knowing you did somthing horrible behind someones back.
Just post your own number - see how YOU like it !
No oone knows for sure. But why would you want to do that? It's not nice to do that to someone.
The Best Way to Ruin Your Life was created in 2002-06.
No, it's fairly scary to get your first ticket, but it won't ruin your life. But dying in a car crash because of speeding will certain 'ruin' your life and your family's lives.
Why would you want a dog to be aggressive. That's sick. Why would you want to ruin that puppy's life. If you want to ruin a life get a life, and ruin your own.
Not by a mortal assuming there is such a thing.