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Q: Is it possible to gain height after puberty?
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Can a boy of 23 gain height?

It is possible, but not very likely. Most males stop growing by the time they finish puberty. And 23 is a man, not a boy.

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It is possible, but not likely.

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Im a 12 year old girl and my height is 4 11ft. i want to gain my height as soon as possible. what is the easiest way to gain height?

If I were you - I'd stop worrying about your height and enjoy your life ! At the age of 12, you're likely net even through puberty yet - so you'll be due a 'growth spurt' when that kicks in ! There is no pill, potion or device that can quickly make you gain height. The only way would be risky painfulsurgery - which, given your age - any reputable surgeon would refuse to do !

Is it possible to grow from 5'4 to 6'0 feet?

With surgeries that break the bones and grow them, you can gain a few inches. This process takes years and leg braces and doesn't seem worth all the trouble, unless there is a greater reasoning than just gaining unneeded height. You also gain height throughout puberty, so if the person in question is a minor, yes.

Is it possible for you to gain height even if you 18 years old now?


Is it possible for 17 year old girl to gain height and how?

Your height is determined by a combination of factors, including genetics, lifelong nutrition until you stop growing, and hormones including onset of puberty. The only factor you can control is your nutrition, so include plenty of calcium for bone growth and protein for muscle growth in your diet.

Does height increase after puberty?

If you have just begun puberty then you will shoot up as your height mostly increases during puberty. But, If you have finished with or ended puberty then you won't grow a single inch. Sorry about that ! But its not my fault ! :D

Is it possible to skip puberty?

No, puberty is a natural process that everyone goes through as part of their physical and sexual development. It is necessary for the body to mature and prepare for reproduction. While the timing and experience of puberty can vary from person to person, it cannot be skipped.

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