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Q: Is it possible to convince yourself that you love someone?
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How do you convince a guy you love that you just consider him a brother?

You cannot convince someone to love you. That is something that naturally happens. Just be yourself and if he doesn't like you for who you are then you obviously aren'y meant to be. You'll find your match someday.

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You can't. Move on to someone who appreciates you and forget about this girl. You are only going to torture yourself and risk stalking her.

How do you convince your parents to let you kill yourself?

There is no possible way to convince a person who loves you, especially people who love you as deeply as your parents, to let you kill yourself. They understand your worth and love you, and want the best for you. And the best for you is to live without the want to kill yourself and without depression. Suicide is not the answer. Please listen to them, and talk to them. You should also talk to a counselor. Remember that suicide is something you can never take back and can never be undone, and your problems can be fixed.

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You have to meet and he have to be interested and fall in love with you. This is not possible to create, if it happens it happens. You can't mold yourself into someone you are not.

Maineman1 I love someone and it's not my wife?

The question is , do you love yourself? In order to love anyone, you must love yourself first.

How can I convince my parents to accept my love?

You can't. Just know that you do and be yourself. Also, see related question below.

How do you get her to fall in love with you?

While you can't convince someone to fall for you, sometimes a person may not realize they really do love you until they get to know you. So you should just be yourself (you want her to fall for the real you and not a fake you) and see where things go from there and just act normal.

What must you do when you love someone and she wants to be out of the relationship?

You let her go. Or you convince her otherwise. If you truly love her, though, you'll let her go; to love someone is to prefer their happiness to your own. If it is meant to be, it will happen.

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Is it possible to love someone but be in love with someone else is it right or wrong?

sure of course

What is true love and how do you know that are in love?

When someone sees God through someone else, that is called true love. When you would sacrifice yourself to someone else you are in love.

If you love someone but they love someone else can you still love them but you want them to yourself?

Yes, you can still love them, and naturally when in love with someone, you want them to yourself; however, you have to realize that can't be so. Unless the feelings become mutual amongst you both, you will have to deal with unrequited love and not being able to have them.