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yes,it is possible to blow up if you don't fart or burp,because gas will build up in your stomach and it would be so much gas you would explode

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Q: Is it possible to blow up by not farting or burping?
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Related questions

Why are you burping and not farting?

Burping is an air bubble that travels up your throat and comes out. Farting is bacteria in your intestines, so when you fart you're basically getting rid of bacteria.

Can you blow up by farting?


If you don't fart will you blow up?

No, if you don't fart, gas will still be released from your body in other ways like through belching or being absorbed into the bloodstream. You won't blow up from not farting.

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It is possible to blow up almost anything if you have a large enough bomb.

Can motercyces blow up?

I have seen a motorcycle blow up, so yes, it is possible.

How is burping a good thing for the body?

Burping is good for your body because it releases trapped air inside one's body. It removes unwanted gases from the body's stomach and will help to prevent any possible cramps or stomach aches that may otherwise manifest. If people did not burp, people would literally blow up like helium balloons, such as those seen in notable parades like the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. In medical terminology, burping is referred to as eructation.

Why do you have bloating in early pregnancy?

I was just reading up on BURPING in early pregnancy, and read a scientific response about hormones relaxing the digestive muscles, effectively slowing the digestive process, causing more gas to form, leading to burping, farting, and yes, bloating. Hence all the reminders to eat frequent, smaller meals. Good luck!

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Is farting bad?

Farting is not bad because that means you have to get gas out of your system it has to be out. Farting is really good and farting is even better because that means you can stink the people up.

Is it bad manners to burp at the table?

Don't worry. Just sing: Pardon me, To be so rude, It was not me, It was my food, It just popped up, To say hello! Before it went, Right down bellow... People will just laugh and forget about it!

What makes the burping noise when you burp?

When you burp, it is the release of gas from your stomach or esophagus through your mouth that creates the burping noise. The noise is caused by the vibration of the opening through which the gas is expelled combined with the movement of air escaping.

Is there a possiblity that the world will blow up?

Anything is possible yet not probable.