

Best Answer

No, it's not possible to be over weight but healthy. That is a contradiction. Being over weight puts you at risk for Diabetes, heart problems, respiratory problems, on and on. When people refer to over weight people as "healthy" it's more of a joke, but some people take it seriously.

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Q: Is it possible to be in good health, but over weight?
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yes it is possible but it is not healthy for someone to weight that much.

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Yes it is. It is rare as usually people who are severely obese have severe health problems and can die from weight-related problems, but there have been several television shows which explore the lives of the severely obese.

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Medifast Shakes has a few health benefits. The biggest benefit is if you are over weight it helps you loose weight. It also replaces vitamins that you loose when you are loosing weight.

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Obesity is the extreme form of being over weight. A person can be slightly over weight and not be obese.Obesity is a medical condition of being over weight, where the body fat has accumulated to the extent that it could adversely effect the persons health and/or life expectancy.

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People need a certain amount of caloric intake per day. Overeating means an over abundance of calories, and as a result an unhealthy body weight.

Does dance and bike riding help to lose weight on you legs?

There is no such thing as spot reduction. Dancing and biking are good cardiovascular activities which can cause you to lose weight all over your entire body. As said before, it is not possible to lose weight in just one area.

What is the definition of tolerable weight?

This is the ideal weight that a person is happy with, and that is easy to maintain over time without posing any health threats.

What is the purpose of weight management?

Today over weight is a big problem to bring a many disease and a weight management is a big deal.To reduce weight or gain weight through a simple way.If u want to know  To get a flat dummies through this

Is 925 good in health on moshi monsters?

Yes, 900 and over is a very good health but you need to feed your monster every day.

I am a 12 year old female i weigh 120 - 125 pounds . is that a good weight for me?

how tall are you? if u are over 5 feet or almost five its good if not u are a little over weight of course it is a good weight!!! Alot of ten year olds weigh that much! Good job!