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No, It is not possible. The trait Tall is always dominant over dwarf.

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Q: Is it possible to be Tt for the trait for height and be short?
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How dominant or recessive alleles for the trait of stem height determine whether a pea plant will be tall or short?

The dominant trait for height in a pea plant is tall (TT or Tt). The only instance in which a pea plant will be short is if it carries both recessive alleles (tt).

What are the genotypes of the short plants in P1 and F2 Generations?

Because the shot gene in the pea plant is a recessive trait, there is only one possible genotype for it: tt

Tall is dominate over short The genotype of a short plant is what?

The genotype of a short plant can be represented as tt, where "t" represents the allele for short height. The short height allele is recessive to the tall height allele.

What are the genotypes of a dominant tall pea plant to short pea plants?

Really, there is no set letter for any allele. It is common, however, to use the first letter of the dominant allele. Since tall height is dominant over short height in pea plants, then the allele for short would be the t (a lowercase t).

T is genetic trait for tallness and its allele t is recessive for tallness and their are four children with alleles TT tT Tt tt how many will be tall?

OK first, you don't say tT. The dominant allele is always put first. So this would actually be TT Tt Tt and tt. The only way a recessive trait will show is if the dominant trait isn't present. Therefore 3 will be tall and one will be short. BTW: TT isn't an example of an allele. It's actually the genotype. T is an example of an allele. Tallness is a genetic trait, but T is not. A genetic trait is simply a title that includes whatever phenotype may become apparent. A phenotype is the trait that shows up. If a person's genotype is TT or Tt, their phenotype will be tall. If a person's genotype is tt, then their phenotype will be short.

What does a capital letter T represent in a punnett square?

Capital letters on Punnett Squares represent dominant genes, while lowercase letters represent recessive genes. For example, if the trait "T" is a tall gene and the trait "t" is a short gene. When you get your results (if both parents are heterozygous for tallness, Tt) you get four possible results, 1 TT (homozygous tall), 2 Tt (twice, heterozygous tall Tt), and 1 tt (homozygous short). If there is a dominant gene there, that gene will be displayed. Only if there are two recessive genes will the recessive trait be displayed.

What does a capital letter such as represent in a Punnett square?

Capital letters on Punnett Squares represent dominant genes, while lowercase letters represent recessive genes. For example, if the trait "T" is a tall gene and the trait "t" is a short gene. When you get your results (if both parents are heterozygous for tallness, Tt) you get four possible results, 1 TT (homozygous tall), 2 Tt (twice, heterozygous tall Tt), and 1 tt (homozygous short). If there is a dominant gene there, that gene will be displayed. Only if there are two recessive genes will the recessive trait be displayed.

How many trait combinations are possible when two parent plants both with the Tt trait-controllers are mated?


Can a short pea plant ever be produce from crossing two tall pea plants?

Yes, it is possible to produce a short pea plant from crossing two tall pea plants if they both carry a recessive gene for short height. This would result in a genotype with two copies of the short allele that would code for a short pea plant.

What does a capital letter such as T represent ina punnet square?

Capital letters on Punnett Squares represent dominant genes, while lowercase letters represent recessive genes. For example, if the trait "T" is a tall gene and the trait "t" is a short gene. When you get your results (if both parents are heterozygous for tallness, Tt) you get four possible results, 1 TT (homozygous tall), 2 Tt (twice, heterozygous tall Tt), and 1 tt (homozygous short). If there is a dominant gene there, that gene will be displayed. Only if there are two recessive genes will the recessive trait be displayed.

What does an alleles for a hybrid tall pea represent?

An allele for tall in a hybrid pea plant represents the gene that codes for the trait of tall height. In the case of a hybrid plant, there are two alleles for height, one inherited from each parent. If both alleles are for tall height (TT or Tt), the plant will exhibit the tall trait.

Two individuals heterozygous for a single trait have children what is the expected phenotypic ratio of the possible offspring?

The expected phenotypic ratio of offspring from two heterozygous individuals for a single trait is 3:1. This means that 75% of the offspring will have the dominant phenotype, and 25% will have the recessive phenotype.