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Yes, I think it's possible. Some women can love two men. No, not actually truly and completely in love with two women in a relationship. They can be in serious lust, but not true committed love. This applies to both sexes.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

Yes,it is, depending on who the person is.If you are talking about love in a relationship then the answer is no.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

No... eather 1 your just selfish and want to play 2 are in it for the mony and that's wrong nor is it love. Or you just want 2 people at once to go to bed.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Yes, a woman can love two men at the same. She will love the men in different ways.

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Yeah it is possible. The thing is when you are not satiisfied with your partner emotionally, physically & pyschologically; you (especially women)tend to have extra martial affairs just to get the true love & affection that you are not been able to get it from your present partner. This thing goes for women only. Though 99% women go for extra marital affairs for all these love related problems but 1% of women go for affairs only for sex.

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