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No, this is not a good idea. Lightening can strike a water line anywhere and travel through the pipes to the tub.
Yes you can, it is the car that you can't be in,or also you can't be under a tree.

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Q: Is it okay to take a bath during a thunder and lightning storm?
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Why shoud bathing must be avoided during thunderstorm?

Bathing should be avoided during a thunderstorm to reduce the risk of getting struck by lightning. Water is a good conductor of electricity and taking a bath can increase the chances of an electric shock if lightning strikes the plumbing. It is safer to wait until the storm has passed before bathing.

Is Taking a shower when lightning dangerous?

Yes, it is dangerous to take a shower during a lightning storm. Lightning can travel along plumbing pipes and water, putting you at risk of being struck. It's best to wait until the storm has passed before taking a shower.

Is it safe to take a bath during a lighting storm?

It is not safe to take a bath during a lightning storm. Water is a good conductor of electricity, and you could be at risk of electric shock if lightning strikes your house or nearby. It's best to wait until the storm has passed before taking a bath.

What do you need to do during a lightning storm?

During a lightning storm, it is best to seek shelter indoors in a sturdy building or a hard-topped vehicle. Avoid open fields, high ground, isolated trees, bodies of water, and metal objects. Do not use electrical appliances, plumbing, or landline phones during the storm.

Where is the safest place when there is lightning?

The safest place during a lightning storm is indoors in a sturdy building or car with the windows closed. Avoid open fields, isolated trees, bodies of water, and metal objects, as they can attract lightning. If you are caught outside, crouch down with your feet together and hands on your knees to minimize your contact with the ground.

What are 10 things not to do during a thunder storm?

Do not take a shower or bath. Do not use corded phones or electrical appliances. Do not stay near windows, doors, or concrete walls. Do not stand under tall trees or poles. Do not swim or be near water. Do not use metal objects or tools outside. Do not touch metal surfaces like fences or pipes. Do not use umbrellas with metal handles. Do not lie on concrete floors or lean against concrete walls. Do not ignore storm warnings or stay outdoors.

Is it safer to take a bath or is it safer to take a shower in a thunderstorm?

Theoreticaly it is safer to take a shower during a thunderstorm. The chances of getting killed by drowning and by using a bath tub are greater than that of getting struck by lightning and using a bath tub.

What are some safety tips when near the water?

If their is a storm stay away from the water even the smallest puddle.If you are taking a bath and you hear thunder, get out as soon as possiblein you're wet, dry yourself before using any electronic thingsdont go under a treelay down. you dont want to be the tallest thing while a lightning stormgo in the nearest car,truck,or building for safety

Why do you fill your bath tub in storm?

Filling the bathtub with water during a storm is recommended as a precaution in case of a loss of power or water supply. The stored water can be used for drinking, sanitation, or for flushing the toilet if necessary during a storm-related emergency.

How do you stay safe under thunderstorm?

To stay safe during a thunderstorm, seek shelter indoors or in a hard-topped metal vehicle, avoid open fields, high ground, and large trees, and stay away from water sources. Avoid using electrical appliances and metal objects, and wait 30 minutes after the last observed lightning before resuming outdoor activities.

Why we should avoid bathing during a thunderstorm?

Bathing during a thunderstorm poses the risk of being struck by lightning due to the presence of conductive water and plumbing in the vicinity. It's safer to wait until the storm has passed to minimize the chance of injury or electrocution.

What should you not do indoors during an electrical thunderstorms?

During an electrical thunderstorm, you should avoid using electrical appliances, taking a shower, and standing near windows or doors. This is because lightning can travel through electrical wiring, water pipes, and metal objects, increasing the risk of injury. It's safer to stay away from electronic devices and water sources until the storm has passed.