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It is not OK to take speed at any time. Speed is harmful to both the body and the brain.

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Q: Is it ok to take speed while taking levothyroxine?
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Can levothyroxine be taken with amberen?

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What Thyroid condition if you take levothyroxine?

If you take levothyroxine you are taking thyroid hormone. The primary reason for taking thyroid hormone is to supplement or replace that which your own thyroid makes. Low thyroid hormone is known as hypothyroidism. Some physicians also prescribe levothyroxine if you have antithyroid antibodies. This condition is known as Hashitmoto's thyroiditis. The intent is to suppress your own body's production of thyroid hormone because this minimizes the attack of the immune system against the thyroid.

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The shutter speed setting when taking sprint pictures should be on 'moving' speed. Sprinting is a motion and you cannot take 'still' pictures while someone is sprinting.

Is it dangerous to take levothyroxine and marijuana?

No. I do it.

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i have read of a trial for a lady who did not respond to mirtazipine until it was augmented with levothyroxine and she made a super fast recovery so from this i can only assume its fine to take the two together. i am taking this combination myself. i had tried a magnesium supplement to help me with pmt before this and it made me lightheaded and tired and it transpired that i should not have taken the two together as magnesium suppresses levothyroxine.

What route can levothyroxine medication take?

by mouth

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