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yeah it is, but you have to know how to do it

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Q: Is it ok to swallow a roach?
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What happens if a person swallow a roach?

The person would choke and puke.

Is it ok to swallow supermints?

yes. But be cautiaus.

Is it ok to swallow your own secretion?

I guess so. =)

Is it Ok to swallow boba?

Yes you can, but you usually chew it and then swallow it. It will not be too bad if you did not chew it though.

Is it good to swallow a womens outcome?

If the woman has no STDs, it is ok.

If you swallow a cock roach what happens?

It will most likely be killed in your stomach, i dont think a roach can survive all the contractions of the stomach muscles, plus the gastric acid.

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No it is not because it choke on the leaves and die.

Is it ok to swallow serms?

If you mean semen, it's harmless and many do,.

Is it ok to swallow a mans semen?

No it can give you AIDS according to the pakistan scientists watchout

Is it ok to swallow a blood clot from nose bleed?

yeah, its perfectly ok. you may feel a bit nauseous afterwards, but its ok

How can you feel when the roach eating your brain?

Ok I don't know the anwser to this. but if I die (because a roach crawled up my nostrol). I have to say you sadly can't feel anything but inch around the head. wish me good luck thank you. :'C

What actors and actresses appeared in Out in the Real World - 2012?

The cast of Out in the Real World - 2012 includes: Drew Angle as Roach Lauren Brinkman as Roach Michael Kefeyalew as Roach Evan McCaslin Smith as Roach Dexter McDaniel as Roach Andie McMahon as Roach Caitlin Newell as Roach Cara Okun as Roach Sydney Raye Smith as Roach Jessica Shobe as Roach Matthew Slade as Baby Roach