Absolutely. There are a few people who have honey Allergies (mostly related to specific plants), but most people enjoy the taste and health benefits of honey.
Doctors do not recommend that children under the age of two eat honey. As long as the child is two years or older it would be OK for them to eat.
You can eat honey whenever you please. There is no specific time you must eat honey.
honey bees eat honey
yes it is OK to get honey the resin u get horny is because you are going threw puberty.
It is OK.
he loves to eat honey!
honey bees eat no insects but do eat nectar
No, Jews are allowed to eat honey. This is because there is a special exemption in the bible which makes honey Kosher, or pure to eat.
The reason why bees eat honey is because it taste good.
the honey you eat is a noun.
*Facepalm* Bees don't eat honey....they make it.
Properly produced and stored honey will last indefinitely. However, jars of honey bought in a supermarket will have a 'use by' date marked on it because that is what people expect. That date is usually about three years in the future but the honey can be kept and used for as long as you want to and it will still be ok to eat. If you have a jar of honey that has 'crystallised', ie has turned hard and white, let it stand in hot water for about two hours and it should revert to its original colour and viscosity.