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Q: Is it ok for smegma to be yellow?
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Can smegma be sexually transmitted?

Smegma cannot be transmitted. It is normal to have smegma, and it isn't contagious, everyone (male or female) has smegma eventually, due to buildup. However, you can temporarily prevent it by rinsing it with warm water. Smegma is actually helpful, as it is a moisturizer. However, if there is too much buildup, it can harden and will be painful.

Your dog has a yellowish green discharge from his penis what is it?

Yellowish green discharge from a dog's penis could indicate an infection or inflammation, such as a urinary tract infection or a sexually transmitted disease. It is important to take your dog to the vet for an examination and appropriate treatment to address the underlying cause of the discharge.

What are the function of smegma?

smegma is whitish/yellowish epithelium cells + dead skin cells that form beneath the foreskin of the penis in most cases, smegma is considered a natural yet a disease with odor.. secreting too much smegma should checked out, however normal secretion of smegma is thought to help in sexual activity as it act as a lubricant, however this function is debatable.

Why do you get smegma?

Smegma is a natural lubricant produced by the human body in both males and females to facilitate intercourse

What is the yellow stuff on your penis when you roll back your foreskin?

This is likely smegma, which is just the normal dead skin cells that fall of your body. Since your penis head is covered, these cells get trapped under the skin. By washing the head of your penis each day in the bath or shower you can prevent the accumulation of any smegma.

PLEASE ANSWER- Can Smegma on a toilet seat contain HIV AIDS?

Smegma is not a bodily fluid known to transmit HIV.

Who was the founder of cheese?

T.j. Smegma

How does this gas get into your cells?

Gas molecules like oxygen enter cells through various transport mechanisms such as diffusion. In the case of oxygen, it diffuses from areas of high concentration (like the air in your lungs) to areas of low concentration (inside your cells) through cell membranes. Once inside the cell, oxygen is used in metabolic processes such as cellular respiration to produce energy.

Do women have smegma too?


How do you cure smegma?

eat pizza

Where can I buy goat's smegma?

At the farm