This question answers itself, since the word inappropriate means wrong and nasty. In any event, I would advise you not to seek any kind of sexual stimulation from your mother although with someone elses it is fine. Not a good idea if its your own. Try someone to whom you are not closely related to and someone who is nicely 'up for it'.
No, Do not touch her while she is sleeping. You are just asking for trouble
No it is not normal, however, it does happen so often that it actually has its own name. Bruxism is the condition of grinding or excessively clenching the teeth while sleeping. It is only common between 8-31% of the population.
no its not normal. its gross. no its not normal. its gross.
I'm not quite sure I understand the question? But, if two people are in one bed, sleeping head to toe, then the other person's feet are likely to touch your face at some time during the night.
Yes she can, but make sure who ever this woman is that she's oK with it or she will feel violated.
only if you touch your balls too
Only if you swallowed your pillow while sleeping.
No, hitting your head with your pillow while you're sleeping has absolutely nothing at all to do with autism and there's no reason to think that it does. If you're hitting your head with your pillow in your sleep this is fairly normal.
The duration of While You Were Sleeping is 1.72 hours.