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Q: Is it normal to touch my cousin while she is sleeping?
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Is it normal to touch your female cousin while she is sleeping?

This question answers itself, since the word inappropriate means wrong and nasty. In any event, I would advise you not to seek any kind of sexual stimulation from your mother although with someone elses it is fine. Not a good idea if its your own. Try someone to whom you are not closely related to and someone who is nicely 'up for it'.

Why does my cat touch my face while sleeping?

Cats touch their owners' faces while sleeping as a sign of affection and comfort. It's a way for them to show their trust and bond with you.

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You think one of your friends mom is hot you stay over at his house almost every weekend should you try to talk to her about it or just touch her boobs while shes sleeping?

No, Do not touch her while she is sleeping. You are just asking for trouble

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Is it normal to clench teeth while sleeping?

No it is not normal, however, it does happen so often that it actually has its own name. Bruxism is the condition of grinding or excessively clenching the teeth while sleeping. It is only common between 8-31% of the population.

Is it normal for cats to drool while sleeping?

Yes, it is normal for cats to drool while sleeping. This can happen when they are in a deep state of relaxation and their muscles are completely relaxed. It is usually nothing to worry about unless it happens frequently or is accompanied by other symptoms.

Is it normal for your 9 yr old daughter to try to touch your penis while you sleep?

no its not normal. its gross. no its not normal. its gross.

Will feet touch your face sleeping opposite?

I'm not quite sure I understand the question? But, if two people are in one bed, sleeping head to toe, then the other person's feet are likely to touch your face at some time during the night.

Why do toddlers move so much while sleeping?

Toddlers move a lot while sleeping because their bodies are still developing and adjusting to new sensations and movements. This movement is a normal part of their growth and development process.

Can a woman response when touch sexually while sleeping?

Yes she can, but make sure who ever this woman is that she's oK with it or she will feel violated.

Why does my cat shake its leg while sleeping?

Your cat may shake its leg while sleeping due to a natural reflex called the "twitch response." This is a normal behavior in cats and is believed to be a way for them to release excess energy or tension while they are in a relaxed state.