Normal is relative, however you're not alone. Research has suggested that it might be caused by a faulty connection in the autonomic nervous system which sends a signal to your nose causing you to sneeze when aroused.
It's not unlike other common triggers that make us sneeze like plucking hairs and staring into direct sunlight and could even run in families. Even though it is believed to be rare, researchers have noted it likely the condition is significantly underreported since most people might be embarrassed about discussing the issue with their Doctor.
The correct way to sneeze is in your elbow and turned around away from people because you don't want to sneeze on them!
any one can wee when they sneeze, its all about strengthening your bowel muscles !
i think what you mean is reverse sneezing, it is normal its reverse of how how we sneeze when we sneeze we let hair out, they do the reverse
Yep you are totally fine
Your nose may be dry. This is not normal. Buy a humidifier and seek doctor.
its normal if her rectumns extremely wide. just dont make her sneeze.
If they're really strong mints I guess it is normal. If I eat really strong flavored mints or something my eyes water which makes me sneeze sometimes ;)
85 mph
It isn't. Perhaps you have an allergy.
Strong enough to blow down a house of sticks but not strong enough to blow down a house of bricks.
A sneeze fetish is when you like when people sneeze around you. It may or may not turn you on, but you like the way a sneeze sounds or even looks. The intense build-up to a sneeze is almost orgasmic, and people say that a sneeze is just 1/8 of an orgasm.